Got pests and weeds? Ortho has you covered. Trust the Ortho® family of products to provide solutions to pest and weed problems in and around your home. Visit to learn more
Spring is truly the only season of the year when it is possible to enjoy our outdoor living space here in Northern California. The days are numbered and summer comes fast and hard before we have even had a chance to stop and smell the roses. Naturally, with weather that is only beginning to warm and intermittent rain, nature can spiral out of control around here and start to take over in some less than enjoyable ways.
There is nothing I like less than having an unexpected visitor of the biting or stinging variety show up to my party uninvited… And when they bring enough plus 1’s to start a party of their own – well that doesn’t make anyone feel much liking dancing or laughing and a restful afternoon is utterly out of the question.
If the parties of my youth were any indication, things can get ugly faster than you know what hit you… and despite what anyone tells you, nobody likes to cry at their own party. So what is a gal to do when your outdoor living space goes from 0 to no fun in a minute flat?

Lucky for us, we don’t have to suffer pesky bugs, prickly weeds or teenage broken hearts for very long… Ortho’s party crasher fighting duo – Home Defense MAX Insect Killer and Weed B Gon are the perfect pair to help create a bug free perimeter around your home and a weed free zone for your lawn and garden. One simple application of Home Defense MAX Insect Killer can even end your worries about those sneaky pests that make their way inside. You know the ones I mean- the quintessential worst guests ever…

To be continued… who will prevail on this showdown between Ortho and my unwanted guests?