It has been a crazy couple of months around here and life shows no signs of slowing anytime soon. With my boys growing at a rapid pace and life slipping by so quickly, I have been trying to focus on making my family moments memorable and taking things at a slower pace. Somehow that never works out like I plan it in my mind, but so far it has been equal parts chaotic and crazy good and we have had a lovely couple of months here at Casa de TDC – despite some major bumps in the road.
I had abdominal surgery in June to repair some of the damage that was done to my muscles from hatching my birds and naturally have had a long recovery time. So that is always exciting. My baby seester and I drove down to San Francisco and took a fabulous calligraphy class at Fullosophie and then spent the rest of the day wandering Union Street. We had a late lunch at Marengo on Union and I had my very first Moscow Mule in the form of a Kentucky Mule… so basically not a Moscow Mule at all… but definitely a fabulous spin-off for sure, yahoo!
I had my first Surgarfina experience! You might remember this place from RHOBH where it was a stop along their scavenger hunt around Beverly Hills. I didn't quite grasp the concept from seeing it on the show, but it is definitely a unique candy experience and if you have never been to one of these Candy Shops, it's a must see if you happen to be nearby. All the sweet treats I bought for my boys barely made it home in one piece and I was kicking myself later for not stocking up on the Salted Caramel and S'mores flavors. Turns out this isn't the kind of candy you want to share, if you know what I mean…

We have had some cooler days here this summer which makes for gorgeous skies and a chance to spend some time outside letting the boys play. It's hard to step out of the house when it's 105 degrees, our yard is in the direct sun and we have very little shade, so we are grateful for the reprieve from the crazy heat we normally have. There were quite a few evening badminton tournaments and lovely afternoons at the pool earlier in the month, and I'm hoping for quite a few more before the summer comes to an end. With all of the travel I have in the next month, I'm not entirely sure there will be relaxing down time to spare before school starts and we are back to the grindstone.
The Mister and I just returned from Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur for a short anniversary trip without the boys, and I can't wait to share all of the gorgeous pictures and fun things we did… This is a place everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime if possible… the beauty is magical and otherworldly!