I have always thought that a vacation home that is not stationary and is actually more like a boat of some sort, would be a much more flexible vacation home. You wouldn't be confined to one place and could essentially take that vacation home with you as you travel and explore.
Obviously I know absolutely nothing of the actual people who own this gorgeous thing, but their space gives me a serious case of Room Envy. This boat is filled with spaces that seem to simplify and streamline, only catering to the essential things that are necessary for maximizing their R and ;R. I imagine the people who inhabit this vessel are very much a 'work hard, play hard' kind of family and I can appreciate that to no end.
If this is your first Room Envy + 5 Things here at the House of TDC, you can read past articles here, and they are basically my chance to share a room or space that seems to represent a life or lifestyle worthy of envy and 5 things about me that you likely don't know. A little up close and personal with a bit of pretty inspiration thrown in, so here goes…
One / My adorable little bird baby, at the ripe age of 2 1/2 has officially gone to the dark side. He has passed successfully into the realm of toddler-hood and is well on his way to becoming the crazed dramatic teenager-type my 7 year old is. The terrible two's doesn't even begin to describe some of our recent adventures, though I know for certain this is simply his version of them. Extreme and tenacious, it seems as though that sweet and mild tempered little guy is gone for now, and has been replaced by a demanding, dominating, alpha slash a-type personality. As if our little group needed another… eek, it certainly did not, and this change makes for loud and large conflict that seemingly erupts out of nowhere and any moment, but most particularly when you least want it to.
Two / I have been ridding my life and our household of excess. It feels amazing to let things go and get rid of things that I have carried with me for years, even when those things don't bring me happiness or have any current use for me. It bogs down my creativity and forces me to 'make things work' when I would be well suited to simply go without rather than settle for something that isn't perfect. This is a great book if you are looking to simplify and unburden.
Three / My infection is still very much present and accounted for and I think the forced respite from work and regular activities has given me a chance to seriously reevaluate how I spend my time and the type of time I give to and spend with my family. I need to live life, now. It doesn't cost a single thing to make a memory that will last a lifetime and it's those memories that I hope my boys hold close as they grow older and eventually move on to have their own lives and families.
Four / I have been wanting to share more of my life here with all of you and expand the topics we chat about to include more of those raw everyday moments, both beautiful and not so beautiful perhaps. Each of us travels on a special and unique journey through our lives and I have felt for some time that the story I tell here is only a very small part of my whole and actual story. I am hoping to fill that gap and make this space more representative of who I am and all that I love. It's a tricky path to travel as I have such an amazing group of you who have been part of this community from the start and I honestly don't know if this is something you will enjoy. But, I think with blogger burnout becoming such a prevalent thing (and something I experience often), and the internet going the way of tumblr and pinterest with words that are few and far between… that rather than trying to ease my workload by growing this brand and bringing on contributors to expand into the world of mass blogging, that perhaps I do the opposite and simplify, round out, and get more personal. If I have a space where I can share those things I love, whatever they may be, then I will love that space in a more honest and wholehearted way and hopefully this will resonate with you too. At least that is the idea… what do you think? I promise it won't mean the end of this site or the death of anything we currently do, it will just be more and more can certainly be better.

Five / I mentioned one of my goals for this year right here, and I am so excited to say that I have set those wheels in motion and I am completely immersed in making those dreams a reality, in the present. No more waiting… only doing. I am also seriously considering rolling up my sleeves and doing more client based design work. It seems I am happiest when I am making and decorating and so I should be trying to fill my life with more of those things, don't you think? I have the most wonderful group of you who spend your time with me here and put your faith in all that I do, but as a group of fellow DIY'ers I am not sure if hiring a Designer is the type of thing you would be inclined to do… but I am eager to find out!

Images Via / Project by Pipkorn + Kilpatric