This project is one of those hand to forehead type moments… you know the kind when you need a nice good smack in the old noggin because you didn’t think of this earlier? You see, I have been avoiding my home office because although it gets spectacular light and is quite spacious, it has felt chaotic and I tend to avoid spaces that feel overwhelming. As a DIY blogger, the crafty supplies flow in like water and since they are used on the regular it’s tough to get rid of them. That really only leaves one option, and that is to organize. But you guys… let’s be real. Storage and organizational items are pricey and when you need them in bulk… forget it.
I was originally thinking leftover diaper boxes would be a fabulous option to paint or cover with fabric, but those darn boxes cost around $30 each and frankly I need no less than 20 to hide the horror. Of course that priced me right out.
And then it hit me… storage boxes. And then my Mr. TDC had an epiphany…. bankers boxes with lids! Woot woot. You can purchase a box of 10 for around $18, making them less than $2 each. Perfection! Along with some super duper cheap spray paint ($.97 per bottle) and several rolls of my fave Duck Brand Gold tape, these friends might even be cute! Coming in at less than $5 a piece, 20 boxes over a couple of months is more than affordable, and the piece of mind it will give me to hide away the supplies is, well, priceless.
Spray with light coats to avoid drips and allow to dry completely.

Wrap your box with duck tape, in any color you like, and voila… donzo. See how easy that was? Sooooooo easy. And when these beauties are all in a row, they are divine. I can’t wait to show you!
I used the boxes my Avon orders came in during the 80s. Covered them with giftwrap removed as old from card store. Still using.
I use the heavy duty empty cat litter boxes. Some I spray paint and some I cut diagonally to make file holders before spray painting, and they have handle holes. Of course you get more boxes at the same time, with the bankers boxes. Great idea too. 🙂
Oh my goodness…AWESOME! Idea! I am definitely stealing this. 🙂
How elegant would they look painted gloss black with that gold tape? I did something similar for my daughter’s room years ago. I painted the boxes (the ones paper comes in, with lids) and then put wallpaper border around the bottom. I had gotten several rolls of the border with ballet shoes on them at my local Habitat ReStore for 50 cents a roll!! They turned out great for her room, and she kept her “junk” put away because she liked the boxes so much
Where do you purchase the boxes?
Any office store! If you or someone you know works in an office, ask them to save the boxes the copier paper comes in. That is what I do.
Amazon or Walmart carries them.