It's been a full year since I created this moodboard for my master bedroom and began the process of recreating this in real life, on a budget. I can honestly say I have come pretty far, but I am my own worst enemy here. You see every time I complete a project I feel the need to immediately rework things to better represent my original plan. Because quite frankly I LOVE this moodboard and want to have this exact feeling and design in my room and nothing else will do.Â
But I have run into a few problems that need addressing. And of course now I also need to undo all that has been done to stray from this plan in hopes that those things might work temporarily or in the stead of the original ideas, only to find that they don't! eek!
But I feel a little scattered so this post will act as an update and progress post for you guys, a more detailed breakdown of each item and an explanation of how I planned to put the inspiration image into use in real life, along with a 'to-do list' for me, to guide the remainder of this journey! yahoo!
This moodboard represents my California sunshine state love… it's beautiful, sunny and a little bit modern with some vintage all wrapped in this cute little package!Â
1. Instant photos taken and clipped to twine strung around a tree
- So obviously clipping the instant photo twine string around a tree is not going to be an altogether literal translation in this space. While I did in fact LOVE the clipped images on twine, what I really loved was their being strung around a tree. This is going to require a bit genius on my part because I NEED to have this. Yes I need it. I really do!
​2. Zentangle art
- Admission: I have actually completed this project and not blogged about it. I know, I know.. it's awful really. In fact I have a queue of projects that I have done, some good, some meh (including this one)… and I just haven't gotten around to sharing! Eek! Those of you who follow along with me on Instagram and FB might have seen glimpses of this baby in a couple of photos… that's kind of like blogging right?
3. Brass Wall
- I love this. Period. And I love it for it's honestly of material which is my obstacle here. There are plenty of paper versions of this, and I just may end up going that route for the sake of my wallet, but what I really love is the real deal brass pieces hung as you see here. LOVE.
4. Heart Photos
- So simple, and just plain fabulous, and yet I have yet to do this because I can't seem to get myself together and actually print photos. I have no idea why this is, but I know I'm not alone. I think maybe the 2 billion photos I have stored have become a tad daunting to even contemplate sorting through to pic the 27 or so that this project actually requires. Because let's face it folks, I can't just grab a few photos here and there, they must be the BEST photos EVER that I choose. Le Sigh… obsess much? I think so…
- Womp, womp, womp… this baby is no longer available at art dot com which is a major bummer. Of course that means I will have to attempt to recreate something along these lines myself. Which is of course entirely possible, just time consuming. With baby bird around, time is something I have very little of. You can see my attempt at finding a solution I already own here, and the art I created before that in the stead of this inspiration piece…and while the current piece works for now and the created piece work as well, they stray from the overall feeling of the moodboard and will likely go the way of the birds as soon as I work on recreating this project as it should be.Â
- I love this idea and the colors are superb for my purposes… but did you know these puppies are pricey? Ya, like for real. A big one of these can be upwards of $50 and of course this project must have 3 or 4 to make it look like anything other than an accidental wall decor project.Â
- So guess what? I made my own very inexpensive version of wall medallions using paper and foam, and it has worked for a year!!! Yippee for inexpensive fixes. Except now I really want the real deal Holyfield. Back to the drawing board again.Â
- Those of you who have been with me a while know that I did in fact create this painting and a tutorial to go along with it! Yay, you can have one too…
12. Word Art
- I also made my own quick and easy wall decor word art using the word ADOREÂ (and I posted the printables so you can create word art too, yahoo!) and in a color that resembles the brass wall I mentioned above. It is one of the few projects I completed in here that actually works as is, and that I love. Of course each time I look at the moodboard I feel like I want to remain true to it, so we shall see if it gets a little silver switcheroo in the future. Not sure yet.

7. Workspace
- This is questionable, to be sure. I haven't added an actual workspace to this room as of yet, but I did add some shelving and storage (item 8) and it's currently functioning dual duties. I would however like to separate these two items and stick more closely to the original plan. Just not there yet.Â
- I'm proud to say I have adding shelving!!! And a bit of storage, but I'm not finished with that portion yet. The shelving I chose to add is the Expidit shelving from IKEA because frankly you just can't beat the $60 price tag. It's one of those items that makes more sense to buy than to build, which given my status as a newborn baby mama… is fab because I don't have the time to build just yet anyhow! Done deal… You can see a glimpse of that here, but I will in fact share more about this baby as I complete the storage portion of this item!
10. Herringbone
- I think this hand drawn herringbone is the bees knees, and I want to add this pattern into the room somehow. I attempted this with a new technique on some fabric for curtains, and to this day it was perhaps the biggest DIY FAIL I have ever had, lol! I will share that with you all shortly so you might avoid attempting this kind of thing on your own. Back to the drawing board on this project too, and I still don't have curtains, yikes… double fail!
11. Bedding

There are a few projects, of course, that I have done that weren't even on the moodboard that deserve a bit of a mention…
13. Nightstands
You can see a glimpse of them in their orginal state here and their current state here and here. They have gone from the fabulous hand painted finish of yore to a bright white, and are now a perfect fit in this space. Not to mention they were quite banged up and I was able to fix much of the disrepair that has befallen these beauties over the years.Â
14. Dymomite Art
I am occasionally inspired by a quote or two and what better way to remember how to keep a good head on my shoulders than to put a phrase or two right by my bed to read when I wake up! I create a post about this project here and you can see them in action here… LOVE them.
15. Chalkboard Remix
Some of you might remember these chalkboards in my nook area from a couple of years ago… well they have been repainted and relocated to this new area next to my shelving solution. You can see a glimpse of them here and here.