I was lucky enough to win the most adorable baby girl’s bedding set the other day, never mind the fact that I don’t have a baby girl…I will hang on to this fabulous prize like no other! Even more exciting since I am without a typical use for the bedding was the DIY project I managed to upcycle from the packaging! Imagine with me… While we turn packing materials into this cute little lucky charm garland…
The image below shows what they were using to protect my prize…and I thought they looked an awful lot like 4 leaf clovers…can you see it too?
I was working on another project outside, using Krylon Spray Paint in Satin Avocado, and thought I would give these charms a bit of charm too! Be forewarned, these fabulous packing materials are very lightweight, and I am fairly certain about half of them ended up in my neighbors yard in the process of making my charm bracelet garland. Oops. This is the most fabulous spray paint and it was nice to find that it worked quite well on a not so typical material like these clovers.

Once they were dry (those that didn’t blow away on this particularly windy day) I brought them inside to give them a nice coating of peridot colored glitter. After all, what’s a charm without a bit o’ shine? Am I right? I used regular Elmer’s School Glue as you can see above and several plates to demarcate the process, which was very complex of course. You will want to give your clover charms a good coat of glue on at least one side (glitter can be pricey so I chose to stick to just one side), which you can do with a paint brush as you see below, or you can go straight to the technique I used after doing several with a brush, and simply dip them directly into the glue. Much faster that way, but did result in some awfully glittery fingers.

Once you have your surface coated with glue you will want to sprinkle your glitter over the top of that surface, making sure to keep a plate, or Tupperware container underneath to capture the excess glitter as it falls. By doing it this way rather than dipping the glued surface into the glitter you ensure your glitter supply will not become corrupted and sticky, which would ruin it. Once you are finished shaking your glitter onto all of your clovers, you can bend the plate and pour the glitter back into the shaker container (Martha Stewart is so clever in this way, making the shaker tops easy to remove and replace!) You will have excess continue to fall off even after you shake them off but again since I used these plates to hold the project I can still pour that excess back into my container, yay!

I ended up using light green thread since to string the garland together since that was the only green I could find in my kitchen. I was feeling lazy since we are all a bit under the weather here at the house of Des Conf! I strung each clover through the center so that they would sit in a fashion that most looked like a clover.

Once I had them strung I attempted to space them out a bit so they were recognizable and more pleasing to look at.
I love that they are a little bit army and a little bit glitter! Pretty much sums up my personality in that interesting balance of loving things masculine with clean lines, but always loving a bit of glitter and shine!
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