Dear Mother Nature, I know we need rain to help cure this ridiculous drought we are having here in California and because Mama needs to play in the water during those crazy hot days of summer, but I wouldn’t be mad at you if you skipped right ahead on into spring and the gorgeous mild weather it brings before the heat sets in. Oh wait… I think you may have been one step ahead of me and you already got this covered. It is so beautiful here in the hills just outside of Sacramento, and that’s a good thing, because this gorgeous showcase Ashley shared with us on instagram (using the hashtag #builtTDCtuff) would really bum me out if it were dreary and miserable. Of course I mean that in the most loving ‘good for you’ but ya it ‘sucks for me’ kind of proud mama way that I feel every time one of you amazing folks rocks out a stunning showcase!
The backyard is on my hit list for this year’s ‘renovation or bust’ resolution I have and I am completely inspired by the incredible hard work they did to make their outdoor living space so effing fabulous!
Here is what she says…
‘Modified the reef sofa plans to be loveseats. Thanks for the plans. Coffee table built by scraps I had lying around. Cushions are from Target and fit perfectly!‘
Yes they do! Love the color too. Xx… Rayan
If you have built from our plans here at The Design Confidential, we would love to showcase your build! You can post a showcase here on the site once you register as a member, or post to social media and tag @thedesignconfidential on FB and Instagram or @thedesconf on Twitter or Pinterest and be sure to use the hashtag #builtTDCtuff! Yahoo