My wife needed more storage space in her bathroom. We originally had shelves, but opted for something that she could close up and hide her beauty products if needed. Thanks for the great plans!
4 days: 1 day for cutting, 1 for sanding and constructing, 1 for primer and paint, 1 for top coat
My wife didn’t want the three small drawers, opting instead for one large door and more shelving space inside. I completed the cabinet door with plywood instead of glass and added a jigsawed plywood red cross on the front for a little more character.
Filled some holes with wood filler and sanded down. Followed with 1 coat of primer, 2 coats of semi-gloss white paint (to match our bathroom walls), then 3 coats of Minwax Polycrylic (sanding in between coats).

I’m still relatively new to woodworking, so I hit a few snags. The two most difficult parts of this project were keeping the box and the door square, and finally mounting it to the wall in our bathroom (a wall which was not even). I mounted it to the wall using two 2″ wood screws into studs and two drywall anchors and screws.