I suggested a few weeks ago that we try something a little different than our normal table and suggested a table I found at Village Lane Furniture. Here is the link: http://villagelanefurniture.com/blog/tables-and-stands/
The center prism seems to just float between the top and the base.

Following is a sequence of photographs that chronicle the build. I built the table without any dimensions to go on so the result is my best guess. I would only change the height of the center prism to allow for more flexibility in feet selection.
This was an experiment but is was not too expensive. I don’t think I spent more than $30 on it.
The build took a really long time probably 20 to 30 hours. That is only because I needed to be very careful about the order in which I built the components of the table and the size and proportions. Also staining takes forever….
It is all pine.
Sanding every component down to at least 220 grit and the top to 400 grit. Between sandings I cleaned with mineral spirits. I used Rust-Oleum Summer Oak and Kona stains and then covered the stain with polyurethane.

Final height 25″
Feet from Hobby Lobby.
I used only screws to attach the base and top. No glue.
The idea came from Village Lane Furniture.