I took the wonderful and simple design I found at https://www.thedesignconfidential.com/2012/01/free-diy-furniture-plans-bu… .
I took the jewelry armoire and converted it to a key locker. The frame and doore are made from poplar and the back from poplar plywood I had laying around the garage. The key is from Hobby Lobby at $2 and the face of the door is from some scrap gunstock hardwood flooring . The magnetic closer, pads, knob, hinges, and hooks I had in the garage gathering dust until yesterday.
Poplar wood $12
Key $2
Scrap wood, knob, closer, pads, hinges est $5
1 day (takes time for the stain to dry)
Poplar, poplar plywood, scrap gunstock hardwood flooring.
Minwax gunstock stain. After a good sanding and cleaning put on the first coat, let it sit for a few minutes, wiped it off, hit it with the 00 steel wool, and then a second sitting of stain. Wiped it off and it looks great.

The added pic is of the inside of the key locker. I don't have a router so the face is just screwed in the back of the door frame.