Pretty sure this bed speaks for itself. Just in case it doesn't… think ample storage, designer style, and simplicity of design all make this bed a fabulous solution for any of your kiddo's or perhaps a guest room that needs a bed to double as a sitting area as well. Did I mention it was easy to build? That's right, the most difficult part of this plan will be installing the drawer tracks! Pretty sure you guys are all capable of that, so we should be just fine!
I chose to “paint” this bed one of my favorite colors…we shall call it Grange. Many of you are familiar with greige and I know you love it as much as I do, this is a variation of greige with a bit of green, hence…grange (I am open to other name possibilities)!
This particular plan is meant to be painted, and uses MDF to allow for smooth paint application, however if you prefer a natural look for this bed, you can use premium plywood for the main components or connect dimensional lumber using a Kreg Jig to join each board, and then carve with a jig saw to create the curved sides. Either option would be stunning.
Tape Measure
Sander – or a Sanding Block, this will help smooth your edges so the pieces fit flush with each other.
Saw – to cut your pieces to size
Jig Saw – to create the curved sides.
Nail Gun for Finish Nails or Finish Nail Set and Hammer.
6 – Sheets of 3/4″ MDF or 5 sheets and 1 sheet of 3/4″ Ply if cheaper. A sheet is typically 4'x8'.
1 – 1×3 @ 8'
6 – 1×2 @ 8'
5 – 1×2 @ 10'
1 – 1×8 @ 8'
3 – 1×8 @ 10'
2″ Screws
1 1/4″ Screws
1 1/4″ Finish Nails
Drawer Pulls (3) of your choice ** you may need to replace the screws that come with them for longer screws to ensure you can mount through 2 sheets of MDF (depth).
Wood Glue
Wood Filler
Sanding Supplies
Finishing Supplies
1 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 75 x 40 3/4″ (Back)
2 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 40 1/4 x 40 3/4″ (Sides)
1 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 77 x 18 1/4″ (Front)
2 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 75 1/2 x 10″ (Inner Box front and back)
4 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 38 x 10″ (Sides and Supports for inner box)
2 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 36 x 21″ (Outside Drawer Bottoms)
1 – 3/4″ Sheet of MDF @ 36 x 22 1/2″ (Inside Drawer Bottom)
1 – 3/4″ Ply or 3/4″ MDF (whichever is cheaper for you) @ 75 1/2 x 39 1/2″ (Bed Slats, singular)
1 – 1×3 @ 78 1/2″ (Top Trim – Back)
6 – 1×2 @ 38″ (Drawer Slides)
3 – 1×2 @ 75 1/2″ (Bottom Trim – Back and outer trim for Back),
2 – 1×2 @ 78 1/2″ (Top Trim – Front and Bottom Trim Front),
2 – 1×2 @ 41″ (Side Panel Bottom Trim),
4 – 1×2 @ 40 3/4″ (Outside Back Trim and Side Trim),
2 – 1×2 @ 38 3/4″ (Side Panel Trim),
2 – 1×2 @ 21 1/2″ (Interior Back Trim),
4 – 1×2 @ 18 1/4″ (Front Trim and Side Trim),
2 – 1×2 @ 16 3/4″ (Front Trim),
6 – 1×8 @ 36″ (Drawers)
6 – 1×8 @ 22 1/2″ (Outside Drawers)
3 – 1×8 @ 23″ (Inside Drawer)
** You have the option to cut 2 – 1.5″ wide strip in the same arc as your sides to add trim to the top of the sides.
Before beginning to build, always check in on my site to make sure you have the most up to date set of plans, I occasionally update and change the plans to make the building process easier or to allow for less expensive purchasing of materials!
Read through the entire set of instructions and all comments before beginning this project. If you print out or save plans, be sure to check in on my site to be sure you have the most up to date set of plans, as I occasionally update things for ease of building or buying. If you are new to building, read through the GETTING STARTED section and other articles found under the BUILD tab in the menu on my site, it has valuable information about how to get started, tools and techniques. If you are unfamiliar with the finishing process, visit my Finishing school for some tips and tricks for painting like a pro and for special finishing practices.
Use glue to secure your joints and Consider Painting or Staining individual sections prior to assembling. This makes the paint application virtually flawless. Coat with a spray on Poly or Wipe on Poly to protect your finish and your piece and it will last for ages. Adhere to all safety standards and guidelines, and be sure you follow safety protocol throughout your build. If you are unsure about whether you are building safely, run a quick online search for the tool or technique you are using, or contact me via email or post to the forum before you move ahead. My contact info can be found in the menu of my site.
Attach the Back to a 1×2 leaving a 3/4″ overhang on what will be the Back Side (outside). Use 2″ Screws and Glue to attach.
Carve the arc from the Side panels. Use a jig saw and abide by the required dimensions shown below. Otherwise this arc is subjective and entirely up to you as to how you shape it. Leave 1 1/2″ on the upper inside portion of the side panel and 3/4″ of the lower outside portion of the arc to accommodate trim later. Make sure your outside edge remains at 17 1/2″ to align properly with the front piece and surround the mattress as designed.
Attach the Side Panels to the back side. The Back and Side edges should be flush with each other. Attach the bottom trim leaving a 3/4″ overhang on the backside and ensuring the bottom trim of the side panel is flush with the bottom trim of the back panel. Use 2″ Screws and Glue.
Begin building the interior box by cutting out the drawer openings to the box fascia
Build the remainder of the box using the dimensions shown below. Use 2″ Screws and Glue. Fasten the Drawer Slides in place. Use 2″ Screws and glue through the front and back of the box to secure and place them 4″ apart and roughly 2″ from the midpoint of each opening.
Trim out the interior of the Back and attach the Inner box to the back and side panels. Use 1 1/4″ Screws and Glue to attach the box and 1 1/4″ Finish Nails and glue to attach the trim.
Begin constructing your drawers. You will need 2 different sizes of drawers since the outside drawers are 1/2″ narrower than the inside drawer. You will need to construct 2 drawers with the dimensions below.
Fasten the drawer Face from the inside of the drawer front to avoid filling screw holes.
Here are the measurements for the inside drawer, follow the steps from above only use these dimensions below.
You can lay your plywood bed slat (singular) over the inner box at this point. You are welcome to fasten it to the box, but might want to consider leaving it unattached for removal and easy cleaning below.
Cut the Front Panel to size as shown in the dimensions below. Leave a 3/4" Gap at the bottom to allow for the bottom trim in the next step. Fasten from the inside with 1 1/4" Screws and Glue.
Trim out the front panel as shown below and attach the bottom trim leaving 3/4″ overhang toward the front to allow for the front trim to sit flush against.
Add the top trim to the front and trim out the back, then add the top trim to the back. Use 1 1/4″ Finish nails and Glue.
Add the top trim to the front and trim out the back, then add the top trim to the back. Use 1 1/4″ Finish nails and Glue.
**To finish this project well, run your finger along any exposed cut edges of the MDF (this will likely only be your arcs) with a thin layer of Spackle. Once it dries fully, you can sand it flush and finish as desired. Prime first, then paint and make sure to seal with a polyurethane. If you intend to paint a light color, an aerosol lacquer will be more ideal as it is just as durable but does not yellow in time as Poly does.
Fill any Screw, Nail or Pocket Holes, Sand and Finish as Desired. For Finishing Tips and Tricks visit my Finishing School
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**Disclaimer: Some rights reserved. Private use only. Feel Free to link to any of my plans so long as you provide an adequate link back to the appropriate post! Plans from this page are not to be used for commercial purposes or republished without the express written consent of Rayan Turner, The Design Confidential I hope to provide accurate plans, however, I cannot guarantee each plan for accuracy. Not every plan that I post has been built and tested, so you are building at your own risk. It is recommended that you have a clear understanding of how the project works before beginning any project. Please contact me if you find an error or inaccuracy so that I might fix it.