To be sure…I admit to being skeptical about black walls. It’s not that I’m timid, in fact to the contrary I have always been a fearless decorator in my own space, perhaps to my own detriment, though I have never believed it to be so. In seeing this trend emerge in a big big way, I find myself realizing that my fear with black walls in not in the result but the application. If not done right, and if not done well, the experiment is likely to go terribly wrong. Give that finish a bit shine and paneling underneath, and you will have made a grand space indeed. Perhaps keep it rustic and textural, just feel the warmth and comfort it exudes. Who knew…black is the new cozy! We already figured it for glam, and it hasn’t let us down! But warm, and rustic I never assumed possible. How about those Matte on Black stripes? Now that is something! Oh I how embrace this fabulous foray into bold décor and fabulous finishes! Bring on the Black!
Space: All Walled In..Black
06.23.11 By Rayan //Sources